Electrical Safety Tips for Halloween

Well, summer is over and it’s now officially fall!We know what that means - holiday decorating is just around the corner, and it starts with Halloween. When gearing up for this spooky night, keep the following safety tips in mind to make sure the electrical elements in and…

Maximize the Impact of Your Lighting Retrofit

If you are considering a retrofit of your current office lighting to LED lights, there are some things you can do to maximize the effect. While the process of exchanging old-fashioned incandescent or fluorescent lighting for LED lights will reduce your energy bill in itself, there are some…

Advantages of Photovoltaics for Solar Power

You may not be familiar with the term “photovoltaics,” but you will come to know them quite well by the end of this article. Photovoltaics are the small solar cells that make up solar energy panels. You’ve seen them on top of houses, possibly standing in a field,…

LED Lighting for Dark Sky Compliance

First, you are probably wondering what “dark sky compliance” even is. If you are ever in a large city at night, you’ll notice that the sky is not exactly “dark.” Rather, a yellowish glow covers the stars and Milky Way, so you mostly just see an overcast sky…

Best Vehicles and Cargo Vans for Electricians

If you are starting your career as an electrical worker or as an electrician, there will come a time when you need to consider upgrading your vehicle to meet the needs of your job. Normally, if you are working for an electrical contractor, chances are they will provide…

The Top 10 Tools for Every Electrician

Every electrician requires some basic tools, especially when starting out. These essential tools are the ones you will generally use everyday and likely on every job. Having said that, you will also grow your tool collection the longer you remain in the profession.

The Electrician’s Tool Belt
