All About Electrical Panels

Electric power enters your home or commercial building at what’s known as the service entrance. That represents all the power your electrical system is able to deliver. In newer homes that’s usually 100-200 amps at 240 volts but older structures may have as little as 60-amp service and…


As we learned over the past year and a half, life can be full of surprises. And if you’ve lived in Colorado for any length of time, we don’t need a pandemic to be thrown a nasty curve, we have the weather to keep us on our toes.…

Design Build for Interior Designers | Architects

While simplicity and sustainability are the principles of good design in 2021, it’s a mistake to think that simplicity means going short on the planning process. Topmost in planning genius is Design-Build, meaning that your interior designer and/or architect work hand-in-hand with the electrician. Allstar Electrical is a…

Save on Cooling Costs with Mini-Split Air Conditioners

Have this summer’s heat waves brought you to the boiling point? Before you commit to installing or replacing central air conditioning, consider a mini-split system.
Also known as ductless systems, mini-splits are just what the name implies—small components split into individual areas. They can be single-purpose heating…

Energy Saving Alternatives to AC

Talk to long-term Coloradans and you’ll surely hear someone say, “Yon don’t need air conditioning in Colorado.” That may sound ridiculous given the recent run of 100°-plus days in the state, but a few days do not an air conditioning season make. Before you invest in a central…

The Pros and Cons of Copper and Aluminum Wiring

There are two types of metal commonly used in wiring: copper and aluminum. They’re chosen for their efficiency, ease of use, and affordability. Each has its advantages and disadvantages and knowing those can help avoid problems that range from annoying to disastrous.

Pros and Cons of Aluminum Wiring