The Right Way to Hang Outdoor Holiday Lights

If you’ve already hung your holiday lights, good for you. You’re one of those people who gets things done. And we presume you did it safely, or you wouldn’t be reading this. But in case you haven’t gotten around to it yet, or would like to see if…

Do-It-Yourself—Or Don’t?

DIY projects can be fun and rewarding, but unlike painting, carpentry and plumbing, electrical mistakes can be deadly. That doesn’t mean there aren’t a few jobs that can be tackled by a reasonably handy homeowner as long as they have an understanding of wiring and electrical codes.


Planning Your Holiday Lighting

Did you know that the added holiday lighting in the US is observable from space?

According to a recent article in the Washington Post, the light intensity in US suburbs increases from 30-50 percent in the weeks leading up to Christmas. And that extra lighting costs money, both…

Shocking Facts About International Travel

The holidays are right around the corner, and for many people that means travelling to exotic locales. And hardly anyone goes anywhere these days without electrical devices of one sort or another.

But electrical service isn’t uniform across borders, so before you melt your charger or turn your…

Is It Time For A Home Theater?

As cold weather drives us indoors, a home theater can be a cozy retreat for entertaining family and friends. And with the holiday season right around the corner, fall’s a great time to add a home theater.

Home theaters can be rooms of their own, or they can…

Buyer Beware – Especially on the Internet

It’s never nice to have to tell a customer that they’ve wasted hundreds of dollars and hours of shopping time, but with more and more people buying on the internet, it’s becoming all too common. It happened to one of our regular customers, and she wanted us to…