The Risks and Rewards of Home EV Charging

Recent news accounts have shown that improperly installed and operated home electric vehicle chargers can result in catastrophic fires and explosions. In most, if not all, cases these tragedies are preventable with the right installation and attention to detail—both by the homeowner and the installer. And that’s a good thing since fire departments and other first responders are finding the problems are caused by lithium-ion batteries and are difficult to deal with.

Proper Use of Home EV Chargers
There are three places a home charging setup can go wrong: the battery, the charging point, and the vehicle itself. The battery can be faulty or can be improperly charged. This can cause a buildup of toxic and explosive gases, seen in the video. Other problems can arise with the charging point itself.

Most home chargers are 240-volt 40-amp AC Level 2 chargers. Properly installed, the charging point is no more dangerous than a typical home close dryer or electric range hookup. But trouble can arise from faulty wiring, at the charger itself or in the electrical service panel. This is a high-voltage, high-amperage system that should only be installed by an experienced, licensed electrician.

Defective Equipment Poses a Serious Risk
While rare, defects in either the charger or the vehicle itself can result in serious trouble. Chargers are designed to operate safely when used properly, but manufacturing defects or improper use can be disastrous. Installations should be tested by an electrician trained to spot trouble and address it safely. Homeowners should carefully read and understand the units operation and limitations. If the unit has a timer, be sure it’s working properly and call an electrician immediately if it isn’t. Overcharging can lead to trouble, so don’t ignore it.

The vehicle itself may have a defect in its charging system. Again, it’s rare, but electric vehicles are controlled by sophisticated software and circuitry and a glitch can cause overcharging and a host of other problems, all of them expensive.

The Rewards Far Outweigh the Risks
Most electric vehicles and chargers are very safe and well designed. Trouble is rare and the risks are minimal. You’re probably safer than having gasoline fumes or carbon monoxide build up in your garage.
And the economic benefits of home charging are dramatic.

So don’t hesitate to embrace home charging for your EV. Just be sure it’s installed properly and used safely.

Allstar Electrical Knows EV Charging
Allstar Electrical Services has installed dozens of Level 3 and Level 2 EV charging stations in homes, parking garages, and at businesses with multiple EV fleets. We’ve helped Coloradans increase efficiency while adding comfort and convenience to their homes and businesses for over 20 years.

For an estimate on installing a home EV charger or to learn more about the many ways upgraded electric services and emerging technologies can improve your home or business, visit our website or give us a call at 303.399.7420.