Never under estimate the cost of electrical power

Allstar Electrical Service installs new service in older homes to boost the home’s ability to run more electrical appliances

Do you love Victorian architecture, older homes and mature landscaping? The thing that lures people to buy a home is rarely the electrical service or features, and that’s hardly ever the case when buying an older home.

And one of the first things new homeowners of older homes discover is that there aren’t enough electrical outlets to service a modern day lifestyle. Even more dismaying is learning that the wiring in your older home is outdated or made of aluminum. And if the overall power system is inadequate, it could be that you will need to add new electrical service to increase the capacity…even to run the most basic electrical appliances.

Gary Stone, founder of Allstar Electrical Service in Denver, Colorado and in Colorado Springs, Colorado, often gets calls for estimates of “what it will take to get the right electricity in our home.”

His first question is, “How old is your home?”

Older homes with only 120-volt service less than 100 amps can’t support major improvements and additions to the electrical plan.

Unique to older homes that haven’t been upgraded to new service is the problem of too few outlets. The National Electrical Code requires outlets every 12 feet or one per wall. Some older homes that have been retrofitted with electrical service don’t feature outlets on exterior walls. The lack of such outlets, says Stone, nearly guarantees inconvenience. In-room lamps can’t be positioned near enough to an outlet and using extension cords isn’t necessarily desirable especially when they’re strung across a room becoming a tripping hazard.

The first electricity was generated and sold out of a plant in Appleton, Wisconsin. It was 1882 and the Appleton plant was the first in the area, extending only as far away as a mile.

It’s not uncommon for homes in some of the older neighborhoods in both Denver and Colorado Springs to date back to 1875. Homes were heated mostly by coal until the 1930′s to 1950′s when electrical service began to be retrofitted into residences. Some types of home construction, particularly plaster exterior walls, didn’t accommodate wiring being installed underneath and it’s not unusual to find a room in one of these older homes with conduit running around the perimeter of the room, outlet to outlet.

The cost of new service in an average-size home can run from $8,000 and more, a big tab to an unsuspecting homeowner who discovers that his/her new abode needs such service.

Of course, says Stone, you can contact Allstar Electrical for a review of your property and its current electrical service before you come to the closing table. But often people fall in love with the address of a certain home and too late discover that upgrades and lighting fixtures exceed their budget so soon after making a home purchase. Still other lenders will require that a home be upgraded to full-capacity code-passing electrical service prior to closing. And as frustrating as that can be for all parties involved to have a closing stalled because of this requirement, it makes living in the residence much more comfortable right from the get-go.

Call Allstar Electrical Service today and inquire about their Premiere Customer Service Agreement, available for an annual fee of only $79, are like an insurance policy—protecting customers against the worry that they’ll ever be left literally in the dark or without other electrical service when an emergency arises.

Contact Allstar Electrical Service, Inc. today to enroll in the Premiere Customer Service Agreement and rest assured that you’ll get priority service if and when an electrical emergency arises. Call Allstar Electrical at (303) 399-7420 in Denver and 719-314-9419 in Colorado Springs. Or email President Gary Stone at gstone@allstarelectrical.com.