Electrification Makes Efficiency Important

The push toward switching from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources means even greater reliance on electricity to power everything from our cars to our kitchens. That means a massive expansion of generating capacity and the infrastructure to meet the demand on the grid.

It also means huge expenses will be incurred in the process, a significant portion of which will likely be paid by utility customers, increasing the importance of managing costs at the consumer level.


Efficiency is Key to Future Savings

We’re looking at cost increases the likes of which we haven’t seen in 40 years. We see it every day at places like the gas pump and grocery store, but what about your home energy costs?

Beginning September 1, 2023, Xcel Energy, Colorado’s largest electric utility will raise its rates to cover $97 million in costs to build out their system to handle increasing demand. And that’s just a start.

Consumers can expect more, probably many more, increases to come.

Here are some ways to cut down your energy costs and get what you’re paying for as we move into winter and beyond:

  • If you drive an electric vehicle, charge it at home during the evenings when rates are lowest.
  • Avoid peak demand times. Move things like laundry and cooking to mornings and evenings if you can. Rates are 40% higher between 1pm and 7pm, when demand is at its highest.
  • Consider alternatives for central heating and air conditioning. Heat pumps for whole house heating in cold climates have improved dramatically in recent years and mini-split air conditioners can save by heating and cooling only the areas you’ll be in. Evaporative (swamp) coolers are very efficient in many parts of our state during the summer.
  • Use a programmable thermostat for more efficient heating and cooling.
  • Trap the conditioned air in by adding insulation where possible and renewing seals around windows and doors.
  • Use bi-directional ceiling fans to stay warm in the winter and cool in the summer.
  • Dress for the weather and keep warm and cozy with a blanket on cold winter nights.
  • Switch to LED lighting. Incandescent bulbs waste over half their energy generating heat. That not only adds to summer cooling costs, but also shows up in your electric bill. LED bulbs are versatile, inexpensive, energy efficient, and long-lasting.


Allstar Electrical Services is committed to helping you enjoy your home at the lowest possible cost. Our extensive residential services are there to help you reach that goal. Visit our website to learn more. Then email us or give us a call at 303.399.7420 to schedule an appointment.