Spring Storms Bring Electrical Emergencies

The recent windstorms on the Colorado Front Range are a reminder that winter isn’t the only time that weather emergencies occur. Colorado has the second-highest number of lightning strikes in the nation, surpassed only by Florida. The state ranked third in the highest number of large hail storms…

Cutting Corners on Remodeling Can Get Expensive

As any fan of renovation or “flip” shows on TV knows, DIY construction is fraught with perils, especially when amateur fixers overestimate their abilities. “You get what you pay for” is as true in home improvement as anywhere, and with so many people choosing to upgrade rather than…

Born Too Late to Know

Let me start by saying that I rely on Home Depot. Online orders can be shipped direct to the location where they will be used. My in-store visits are for spur-of-the-moment needs…parts I overlooked buying and parts I didn’t know I needed to complete a project in the…

May is Electrical Safety Month

Electricity is an essential part of our lives. It powers everything from the smallest electronics to the largest appliances and tools. And with all that power at our command comes a need to use it safely and responsibly. That’s the idea behind National Electrical Safety Month, a program…

Home is Where the Smart Is Part 3: Lighting

Ever since electric lights made their way into homes there’s been someone, usually Dad, exhorting family members, usually kids, to turn them off. But now there is a host of clever devices to free Dad from light duty so he can concentrate on other things…like keeping doors closed.

Choosing the Right Color Light

We discussed what color temperature is and how it affects lighting in an earlier article. Now let’s take a look at how to use that knowledge to choose the best light color for different locations in your home.

Light to Work By

Called task lighting by design pros, it’s…