Electricians Are Essential

THE U.S. Department of Homeland Security issued a directive March 19, 2020 identifying essential critical infrastructure workers during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Electricians are included as critical workers including, of course, Allstar Electrical.

The directive states that the list of Essential Critical Infrastructure Workers should continue normal operations, appropriately modified to prevent further spread of the virus.

That’s what Allstar Electrical is doing…keeping necessary electrical services operating in metro Denver and the surrounding suburbs. With more people staying at home, their electrical needs are increased. For example, outlets that did not work were not priority fixes when the entire family left the house for the day headed to school and the workplace. But now that homes have become the classroom and the office while families shelter in place, failed electrical is a huge inconvenience.

A word of caution for the Weekend Remodeling/Repair Warrior: Electrical work is best done by pros. No one wants to end up on a hospital due to an electrical accident, especially not now when the hospitals are filling up with COVID-19 patients.

Call Allstar for prompt, safe and clean electrical work in your home. Stay connected through the pandemic and keep your family safe and your business running.