Christmas Tree Safety—A Tradition Worth Keeping

There’s nothing like the look and smell of a freshly-cut tree to evoke memories and holiday spirit. And part of that tradition should include making sure the tree stays in good condition until it’s time to take it down. This becomes especially important in places like Denver, where there’s a tradition of leaving holiday decorations up until the end of the National Western Stock show, which extends into late January.

Don’t Push Your Tree Past Its Limit

When properly cared for, a cut tree will last around four weeks before it starts drying out. During that time, it’s important to keep it watered. A tree with a 2-inch trunk will absorb as much as a quart of water per day during its first week or two; larger trees will use even more. Trees should be put in a stand with at least a one-gallon water capacity and be checked several times daily at first.

After a week or so, check it daily and never let the water level drop below the trunk. If you got your tree freshly-cut a few days before Christmas, it might make it through the Stock Show, but don’t put your home and family at risk by pushing it past its limit.

As you approach the second week, check the tree daily for dropped and brown needles. If you notice more than a few, it’s time to remove the tree before it becomes a fire hazard. Take down the lights and decorations and remove it from your house. Many communities offer curbside recycling for trees or you can take it to a recycling center on your own. Store the dead tree outdoors, away from structures and combustible materials until it can be hauled away.

Turn Off the Lights When You’re Asleep or Away

Even well hydrated trees can be fire hazards, and as they approach the end of their lives, Christmas trees become increasingly flammable. Tempting as it may be to have a lighted tree in the window throughout the night, there are too many risks to leave the lights and tree unattended. Save your all-night lighting for outdoors and put it on a timer so you don’t waste energy when no one’s awake to see it.

Don’t Become a Statistic

Residential fires and electrical accidents increase every year during the holiday season and into the winter months. Dried out Christmas trees, improperly installed indoor and outdoor lighting, and overworked electrical systems are major contributors to the problem.

The Electrical Safety Foundation International and the pros at Allstar Electrical Servicesurge you practice electrical safety not only at the holidays but year-round. And as the holidays pass into the new year, we wish you and yours a happy and safe year to come.

The pros at Allstar Electrical Services want to extend our best wishes to you and your loved ones for a happy, safe, and prosperous 2018. We look forward to serving your electrical needs throughout the coming year and many more to follow.

Give us a call or visit our web site, allstarelectrical.com, for any of your electrical needs, and for help on your projects in the coming year.