Electrification Makes Efficiency Important

The push toward switching from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources means even greater reliance on electricity to power everything from our cars to our kitchens. That means a massive expansion of generating capacity and the infrastructure to meet the demand on the grid.

It also means huge…

The Risks and Rewards of Home EV Charging

Recent news accounts have shown that improperly installed and operated home electric vehicle chargers can result in catastrophic fires and explosions. In most, if not all, cases these tragedies are preventable with the right installation and attention to detail—both by the homeowner and the installer. And that’s…

An Objective Look at Heat Pumps

In a recent article in the Denver Gazette, Xcel Energy area vice president for energy and sustainability policy Jeff Lyng was interviewed about the viability of heat pumps in Colorado’s high-altitude winters. The Xcel VP raised some legitimate concerns that suggest that homeowners considering purchasing a heat…

Electric Vehicles Present Big Challenge to Infrastructure

A recent report by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Golden, Colorado (NREL) points out challenges in achieving a charging network that will support the goal of having 50% of U.S. passenger car and light truck sales be zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) by 2030.

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Wet and Wicked—How Water Affects Your Electrical System

This year has seen record amounts of rainfall throughout Colorado. Denver got more rainfall this spring than it gets in a typical year and summer promises even more. And while our lawns and lakes love it, heavy rains can cause hidden damage to a building’s electrical system.
